Saturday, 19 December 2009

Xmas night out at the Milton

It may have been a bit snowy, but we all made it safely along to the Milton last night for our Xmas dinner - eventually. Last to arrive was Dick, greeted by a fanfare of hooters from the hungry throng.

There had been some e-mailed correspondence on whether to have party hats and crackers or not, but, in the end I made an executive decision that we should have them. Obviously, the hats weren't tailor made - some heads were too big for them - or was it that Harry just didn't want to wear his? Oh, go on, Harry, enjoy yourself and smile for the camera:

That's better!

Keith was a bit suspicious of his hat, as Jo looked on wondering whether she had to put hers on too:

Eventually, she did:

Are Annette and I wearing matching hats?:

Some of the hats were vaguely oriental looking. Here's Jack auditioning for his part in the Christmas panto as Widow Twanky:

Dan was engaged in earnest conversation with Eileen and Linda:

Gordon was a rebellious non hat wearer, but Doris was happy to pose with hers on:

That's better, Gordon!

Jackie dons her glasses as Hugh and Les are in deep discussion/debate:

Finally, Hugh realised he couldn't ignore his wife for much longer:

Richard and Fiona:

What's Angela saying here?:

Archie looks pleased with his new hip - note crutches on table:

Mary and Gail were celebrating with champagne at the end of the evening:

Thanks to all for coming along - and apologies for those whose photos I didn't manage to get.