Saturday, 23 April 2011

Robert Strang-Steel


It is with great sadness that I have to report the passing of Robert Strang-Steel:

Robert had been in poor health and wheelchair-bound for some time after suffering a severe stroke a few years ago. He was a stalwart of both Banchory Squash Club and ASRC and was the main driver to popularise doubles at BSRC, donating the fine trophy which bears his name, and which has prolonged the squash playing life of many of us who can no longer manage to play singles. He will be sadly missed.

The funeral is next Wednesday (27th) and is a private affair, but there follows a service of thanksgiving at Sluie at 3:30 pm and Rob Sutherland has spoken to Caroline who mentioned to him that it would be nice if some of his old squash buddies could be present. Rob will be there, but, unfortunately, it doesn't look I will be able to make it due to prior commitments, so Rob would appreciate some company if any others were available?

Tuesday, 12 April 2011



Here's a copy of the latest electricity bill for Findrack for the last quarter:

It amounts to £109 (including VAT) and is fractionally less than the same time last year. After paying this bill there will be £541 left in the club kitty.

The severe winters we’ve had over the last couple of years have led to DSRC’s Grampian League matches having to be moved to alternative locations, and I understand that a few of the team members have now joined Kippie. This initially put a doubt in my mind as to the future viability of Findrack, were a few of the existing members to choose not to play there any more.

The new method of leaving the water heater switch on all the time seems to have worked OK, and the costs of electricity are less than £400 p.a. – albeit there hasn’t been much usage of the court heaters this winter. Fifteen members paid their £50 subs this year, which, it now transpires, almost covers 2 years’ electricity costs, so with the funds remaining, and, as long as we don’t have any other bills to pay, this means there is no pressing need to call for additional funds just now.

Nonetheless, it would be useful to hear the views of those that haven’t used the facility recently as to whether they are likely to play there next season or not? I appreciate that all those who have paid their £50 are entitled to use the court, at least until we run out of funds, but it would be good to plan ahead for a time when it’s only the doubles players that are using the court.

In any event, there is probably a large enough core of doubles players (about 9 or 10) to be able to keep paying the bills for at least another season. Depending on how the costs go next year, there may be a need to ask for, say, £25 per head later on, but I would hope we could stagger through until this time next year. You never know, we might even get some new members!